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│ Filename: GLASSDEM.TXT│
│ Title: Glass Demolition│
│ By: Captain Hack │
│ Released: 11/16/95 │
│ Danger: ██████░░░░ │
This has several quick and easy ways to dispose of a sheet of glass that
is in your way. A "silencer" is a good idea on most of these, and a good
sound supressor is rubber cement. Liberaly spread this over the pane of glass
and just about any attempt to break the glass will be safer and quiter.
1) This does NOT work with a silencing compound. At a hardware store, you can
buy a spring-loaded center nail punch, which is used for pushing the head of
a nail below the edge of the wood it's in. This is most effective on car and
any other windows made of "shatter-proof" safty glass. Just press it up to
the glass until it triggers the spring, and the glass will shatter.
2) NO SILENCER: You can often find a Dremel bit or other such scribe with a
diamond tip. This can be very useful in cutting a small circle or rectangle out
of the pane of glass and allowing yourself to reach in and open the window.
3) I must extend credit to the Jolly Roger for this one...I am only repeating it.
First, get a pellet gun that will fire hard enuff to just put a hole in it, but
not shatter it. A silencer compund in all but the small area you shoot would be
a good idea on this one. If it's an old fashioned lock, on the top of the pane,
shoot just above it and use an icepick to push the lock out of position. If it's
a different kind of lock, forget it. This won't work.
If all else fails, just spread rubber cement all over the pane, let it cure for
a few minutes, and tap it with a small hammer until it falls apart.